At Baldys Fresh Oysters Fish Seafood N Bait Ceduna and Thevenard
we hope to supply customers with the best quality produce available anywhere in Australia. Baldy is an ex fisherman turned seafood processor.
Baldy really knows how to take care of your product. His experience as a fisherman for many years taught him exactly what produce to buy and process each day giving you the customers the best and freshest possible seafood for your enjoyment.
Fresh Snapper,Shark,Prawns Oysters and Whiting are all part of our product line. Our pickled fish and seafoods are a specialty and treat for many of the customers who choose to come to the warehouse to purchase seafood from our shop.Take the time to drive out and see us, you wont be sorry! Choose from the many fresh or , frozen seafood packs that are available . Whole fish not a problem the choice is yours. When you buy from us you are supporting a local business who supports the local fisherman and community.